Sunday, July 22, 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Poetry: "A Thought Away"...

A Thought Away

The man on the corner
Stooped now
Memory shrouded in the purple-gray of decades past
Watches the small boy
Grasp a mother’s hand
But remembers well he does
That crystalline moment once upon a time
Of a mother’s touch
Of an all-enveloping smile
Of a perfect love
All so very long ago
But today...
...simply a thought away

Photo and Poetry by Vines

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Another nice review for my Hollywood novel!

Connecting with readers means a lot to any writer. Here's a nice review I recently received on Amazon for my novel LUIGI'S CHINESE DELICATESSEN...

"Jim Vines brilliantly captures the Hollywood experience with the acerbic wit and painful truths of a veteran screenwriter and once star-struck hopeful. While he may claim that 97% of this work is fiction, it’s clear that his characters are based on the Sunset Boulevardians he knows, and that he himself has suffered the peaks and valleys of a fickle industry. “Luigi’s Chinese Delicatessen” is hard to put down, as we keep hoping that [main character] Trent will get his big break.... Anyone who has ever thought of trying this game should read this book twice before heading out for L.A. Well done!"